[Workshop CNRS] Véhicules spatiaux réutilisables
Le GDR Tamarys (CNRS), en collaboration avec ses partenaires ArianeGroup, CEA, CNES et ONERA et avec le GIFAS, ont le plaisir de vous convier à un workshop :

Science fueling European reusable space vehicles competitiveness : extreme thermal environments, materials, multi-physics models and data management, from ground to flight
La science au service de la compétitivité des véhicules spatiaux réutilisables européens : environnements thermiques extrêmes, matériaux, modèles multi-physiques et gestion des données, du sol au vol.
Mardi 4 mars 2025
9h – 17h
CNRS, Amphi Marie Curie
3, rue Michel Ange, Paris
Sur inscription
Programme et infos :
→ TAMARYS Space Day, Paris, 4 mars 2025 – TAMARYS
Formulaire d’inscription :
→ Répondre au sondage – REUSABLE SPACE VEHICLE CONFERENCE – Evento

9:00 | Welcome Coffee
9:30–10:00 | Introduction
Lionel Buchaillot (CNRS): Science serving space access and sovereignty – 10 min
Benoit Rousseau (TAMARYS) – 5 min
Alban Guyomarc’h (ENS / College de France): The geopolitics of space vehicles – 15 min
10:00–10:50 | Key challenges of high-temperature materials, thermal numerical models, and in-flight data in reusable space vehicles
CNES (Marie Jacquesson) – 25 min and ONERA (Gérard Ordonneau) – 25 min
10:50–11:15 | International benchmark of high-temperature solutions
Grégory Pinaud, ArianeGroup – 25 min
11:15–11:40 | Coffee Break and Networking
11:40–12:05 | A European new space reusable vehicle case study
Sonia Magniant, The Exploration Company – 25 min
12:05–12:30 | Advanced digital simulation for space vehicles
Vincent Moureau, CNRS CORIA Labs – 25 min
12:30–13:30 | Networking Lunch Buffet
13:30–13:55 | Innovations in Composite Matrix Ceramics and advanced materials
Gérard Vignoles, CNRS LCTS Labs – 25 min
13:55–14:45 | Panel Discussions 1: Needs and challenges for reusable space vehicles chaired by TAMARYS (Pierre-André Marchal) – 50 min
CNES (Marie Jacquesson), ArianeGroup (Grégory Pinaud), ONERA (Gérard Ordonneau)
Focus topics: high-temperature materials strategies, advanced thermal digital models, in-flight data acquisition and management, dual use synergies, worldwide ambitions?
14:45–15:10 | Coffee Break and Networking
15:10–16:00 | Panel Discussions 2: Needs and challenges for reusable space vehicles chaired by TAMARYS (Pierre-André Marchal) – 50 min
ESA (Louis Escudero), DLR (Ali Guelhan), SiriusSpace (François Maroquene-Froissart),
The Exploration Company (Sonia Magniant)
Focus topics: High-temperature materials strategies, advanced thermal digital models, in-flight data acquisition and management, agile access to scientific knowledge?
16:00–16:25 | Positioning Europe’ reusable space vehicles ecosystem in the worldwide race
Jamila Mansouri, ESA – 25 min
16:25–16:30 | Perspectives & closing by Benoit Rousseau (TAMARYS) and Baptiste Voillequin (GIFAS)
Common scientific pillars to enhance European
reusable space vehicles’ performance and cost-effectiveness.
Towards an industry position paper aimed at the Paris Air Show on June 16th, 2025.
Additional Information and registration
- Registration is compulsory
- Limited seats appointed on a first registered basis
- By attending the conference, each participant consents to
the use of their image rights in any related materials and media - Talks will be in French or English, according to speakers’ preference
- No translation or videoconference is organized for this event
- The proceedings will not be confidential