[Workshop CNRS] Véhicules spatiaux réutilisables

Publié par Académie Spatiale le

Le GDR Tamarys (CNRS), en collaboration avec ses partenaires ArianeGroup, CEA, CNES et ONERA et avec le GIFAS, ont le plaisir de vous convier à un workshop :

Science fueling European reusable space vehicles competitiveness : extreme thermal environments, materials, multi-physics models and data management, from ground to flight
La science au service de la compétitivité des véhicules spatiaux réutilisables européens : environnements thermiques extrêmes, matériaux, modèles multi-physiques et gestion des données, du sol au vol.

Mardi 4 mars 2025
9h – 17h
CNRS, Amphi Marie Curie
3, rue Michel Ange, Paris

Sur inscription

Programme et infos :
TAMARYS Space Day, Paris, 4 mars 2025 – TAMARYS

Formulaire d’inscription :
Répondre au sondage – REUSABLE SPACE VEHICLE CONFERENCE – Evento


9:00 | Welcome Coffee
9:30–10:00 | Introduction
Lionel Buchaillot (CNRS): Science serving space access and sovereignty – 10 min
Benoit Rousseau (TAMARYS) – 5 min
Alban Guyomarc’h (ENS / College de France): The geopolitics of space vehicles – 15 min
10:00–10:50 | Key challenges of high-temperature materials, thermal numerical models, and in-flight data in reusable space vehicles
CNES (Marie Jacquesson) – 25 min and ONERA (Gérard Ordonneau) – 25 min
10:50–11:15 | International benchmark of high-temperature solutions
Grégory Pinaud, ArianeGroup  – 25 min
11:15–11:40 | Coffee Break and Networking
11:40–12:05 | A European new space reusable vehicle case study
Sonia Magniant, The Exploration Company  – 25 min
12:05–12:30 | Advanced digital simulation for space vehicles
Vincent Moureau, CNRS CORIA Labs  – 25 min

12:30–13:30 | Networking Lunch Buffet

13:30–13:55 | Innovations in Composite Matrix Ceramics and advanced materials
Gérard Vignoles, CNRS LCTS Labs  – 25 min
13:55–14:45 | Panel Discussions 1: Needs and challenges for reusable space vehicles chaired by TAMARYS (Pierre-André Marchal) – 50 min
CNES (Marie Jacquesson), ArianeGroup (Grégory Pinaud), ONERA (Gérard Ordonneau)
Focus topics: high-temperature materials strategies, advanced thermal digital models, in-flight data acquisition and management, dual use synergies, worldwide ambitions?

14:45–15:10 | Coffee Break and Networking

15:10–16:00 | Panel Discussions 2: Needs and challenges for reusable space vehicles chaired by TAMARYS (Pierre-André Marchal) – 50 min
ESA (Louis Escudero), DLR (Ali Guelhan), SiriusSpace (François Maroquene-Froissart),
The Exploration Company (Sonia Magniant)
Focus topics: High-temperature materials strategies, advanced thermal digital models, in-flight data acquisition and management, agile access to scientific knowledge?
16:00–16:25 | Positioning Europe’ reusable space vehicles ecosystem in the worldwide race
Jamila Mansouri, ESA – 25 min

16:25–16:30 | Perspectives & closing by Benoit Rousseau (TAMARYS) and Baptiste Voillequin (GIFAS)
Common scientific pillars to enhance European
reusable space vehicles’ performance and cost-effectiveness.
Towards an industry position paper aimed at the Paris Air Show on June 16th, 2025.

Additional Information and registration

  • Registration is compulsory
  • Limited seats appointed on a first registered basis
  • By attending the conference, each participant consents to
    the use of their image rights in any related materials and media
  • Talks will be in French or English, according to speakers’ preference
  • No translation or videoconference is organized for this event
  • The proceedings will not be confidential